Jan. 2008 - Sep. 2008
The Interdisciplinary Research Initiative on Security aims at bringing together researchers from technical subjects, humanities and social sciences in order to create an interdisciplinary forum to address issues concerning security research and and to coordinate and advance security projects and initiatives.
Jan. 2006 - Sep. 2008
The main goal of Protune is developing methodologies, languages, and tools for specifying, enforcing, and integrating heterogeneous policies. Here the word policy is used in a broad sense, including security policies, privacy policies, business rules, and so on. The challenge is reaching an appropriate level of trust in systems and users under the extreme flexibility and interoperability requirements posed by modern business models, application scenarios, and software architectures.
Dec. 2005 - Sep.. 2008
The aim of TENCompetence is to meet the needs of individuals, groups and organisations in Europe for lifelong competence development by establishing the best infrastructure which is possible today, using open-source, standards-based, sustainable and extensible technology. This aim addresses the need to stimulate the European knowledge economy by providing ubiquitous and lifelong adapted access to facilities that support the creation, storage, use and exchange of formal and informal knowledge and learning resources.
Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2008
REasoning on the WEb with Rules and SEmantics. The objective of REWERSE is to establish Europe as a leader in the area of reasoning languages for Web systems and applications by networking and structuring a scientific community and by providing tangible technological bases for an industrial software development of advanced Web systems and applications.
Jan. 2004 - Dec. 2007
PROLEARN is a 'Network of Excellence' financed by the IST programme of the European commission dealing with technology enhanced professional learning. Our mission is to bring together the most important research groups in the area of professional learning and training, as well as other key organisations and industrial partners, thus bridging the currently existing gap between research and education at universities and similar organisations and training and continuous education that is provided for and within companies.
Aug. 2003 - May 2005
In the PeerTrust project we are developing and investigating policy languages to describe trust and security requirements on the Semantic Web. Such policies will be one component of a run-time system that can negotiate to establish trust on the Semantic Web. The PeerTrust system uses guarded distributed logic programs as the basis for a simple yet expressive policy and trust negotiation language, built upon the rule layer of the Semantic Web layer cake.
Sep. 2002 - May 2005
Design and implementation of a Smart Space for Learning that integrates heterogeneous services such as assessment services, content brokerage, learning management and human resources management.
Nov. 2001 - Nov. 2003
Data Mining and Information Retrieval applied to the World Wide Web have many challenges. Crawlers, search engines and ranking algorithms are the main points of research.